Capstone Project Checkpoint

Capstone Project
1. Requirements of the Project

2. Students' Opinions

More information

1. ENGL3002 Research Methodologies for Language Studies

2. ENGL4003 Capstone Project for Language Studies

A Capstone Project, or a dissertation, is a written product of research designed and carried out by the student under the guidance of an assigned supervisor. It is a report of original investigation conceived and conducted by the student with the help of the supervisor.

The Department of English attaches great importance to Capstone Project by assigning a large number of credits and teacher resources. The project contributes 6 credits to the total number of credits required for the award of the BA degree. In addition, Research Methods for Language Studies, the prerequisite subject that prepares students for the Capstone Project, contributes another 3 credits.


Capstone Project for Language Studies aims at:
  • enhancing students’ knowledge acquired from the subject Research Methods for Language Studies, and other relevant courses;
  • helping students carry out a systematic investigation into issues related to the English language or communication, preferably in professional contexts; and
  • encouraging students to try out ideas and illustrate their viewpoints in a logical manner. The write-up should show careful and critical reflection on what the writer tried to do and how it could be improved.

Intended learning outcomes

Upon completion of the project, students could:
  • demonstrate a high level of professional communicative competence in spoken and written English;
  • identify and analyze language related issues systematically and logically;
  • select, organize and integrate knowledge form one or more areas of English languages studies to tackle topics selected for the project;
  • present research results in a clear, effective and convincing manner;
  • work critically and independently;
  • exercise sound judgment and develop intellectual curiosity;
  • display good skills in time and self management; and
  • apply problem-solving skills to careers, personal development and life-long learning.

Qualities valued in the project
  • Soundness of research rationale and theoretical framework
  • Appropriateness of design and execution of research method
  • Quality of data analysis and discussion of results
  • Effectiveness of style, layout and presentation

Note: The student's research topic and areas of the project are normally fixed in the proposal that each student submits at the end of ENGL3002 Research Methodologies for Language studies.

Source: Department of English, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2014). Guidelines for Capstone Project for Language Studies, BA (Hons) in English Studies for the Professions.